Wednesday, June 27, 2018

White Glove Delivery Service

Today we are going to shed a little bit of light on what exactly is white glove delivery service.

In the most simple terms it is a specialized care and attention to detail when it comes to packing and shipping your goods and belongings. Usually reserved for high end price point irreplaceable items.

Las Vegas Crating White Glove is hands on every step of the way. You should expect no less than professional handling from the start to the final unpacking and set-up at the final destination with a trusted secure transportation and storage the entire way.

It is quite a challenge to meet the demand and expectations that offering this type of service comes along with, but with the right team anything can be delivered safely and securely.

So often many packing and shipping companies try to offer this service as an add-on or extra, but it has always been our policy to treat each and every item that comes across our warehouse floor properly. Your moving team should be informed about the sensitive nature of the items, as often they are one of a kind pieces of fine art or sculptures that are expected to arrive at a museum or gallery.

Larger insurance policies are in place, the items are personally driven, tracked, cataloged, and set-up on site.

Many of the antiques, vintage collectibles, and auction house winnings require custom built wooden crates that are shock resistant, extra absorbent, and insulated. These are built specifically for the job at hand to exact specifications and dimensions to ensure proper packing.

As you can see each and every possible break point is secured

These items are one of a kind and not going to be replaced, it is up to us to get a little creative at times because each and every piece is different.

Rare crystal items such as this skull must be transported without any damage or breakage.

Custom built lighting that needs to be detached , secured , and moved.

More vintage finds that are kept safe under our trusted warehouse ceiling while we work out the logistics for the new owners. We have been trusted for over twenty years and enjoy the unique showroom pieces that we run across. It's always been a game of spacial skills, and we always win. 

We are in Las Vegas here you can bet on the house.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Vintage Car Auctions and Shipping

steve mcqueen drives porsche vintage poster
Steve McQueen Drives Porsche
Vintage Porsche Racing Poster

Hello and welcome to our next feature on adventures in packing and shipping here in Las Vegas out of our warehouse of rare and unique finds. You would think that making boxes and custom wooden crates would not be very exciting, but we are going to feature what is going inside of these special packages because the stuff that flies across our storehouse floors is pretty amazing.

Porsche is celebrating 70 years and we just happened to come across a major rare vintage collection won from an Auction. These are one of a kind and rare Porsche car finds include Steve McQueen James Dean and other interesting treasures.

Much of this cargo might be small but that means delicate and fragile items to pack and ship as well. And with some of them being one of a kind finds our car aficionados will be hard pressed to find any replacement parts.

Sometimes shipping the larger heavier bulkier items are actually easier as we just size up the dimensions, build the custom wooden crate for the engine, and then ship it off.

Car engine parts and shipping requires a lot of extra support in the structure of the boxes and freight crates that we build, but that is often not the problem. The small delicate things that require a professional white glove touch often needs the attention to detail that cannot be overlooked.

Back to the fun stuff about Steve McQueen and Vintage Porsche Collectibles.

vintage porsche posters
Vintage Porsche Posters

James Dean
Hollywood legend James Dean died as everyone knows young and reckless, crashing his Porsche 550 Spyder on Sept. 30, 1955. More than fifty years later Dean, his image and the few movies he made are far from forgotten, and the mystery of his supposedly “cursed” Porsche is as intriguing as ever.

Purportedly, Dean had been given the nickname "Little Bastard"

by a Warner Bros. stunt driver named Bill Hickman whom Dean befriended. Hickman was part of Dean's group driving to the Salinas Road Races on September 30, 1955. Hickman says he called Dean "little bastard", and Dean called Hickman "big bastard." Another story of the "Little Bastard" origin goes – corroborated by two of Dean's close friends, Phil Stern and Lew Bracker – is that Warner Bros. president Jack L. Warner had once referred to Dean as a little bastard after he refused to vacate his temporary East of Eden trailer on the studio's lot. And Dean wanted to get "even" with Warner by naming his race car "Little Bastard" and defiantly show that despite the racing ban during all filming, Dean would be racing the "Little Bastard" in between projects. When Dean introduced himself to British actor Alec Guinness outside the Villa Capri restaurant in Hollywood, he asked him to take a look at the Spyder. Guinness thought the car appeared "sinister" and told Dean: "If you get in that car, you will be found dead in it by this time next week." This encounter took place on September 23, 1955, seven days before Dean's death

Vintage car statues and collectibles such as these are often won at auctions

and then it is up to us to figure out ways to safely package and ship without breaking or damaging the item. Thankfully we have an expert team that is dialed on for fun projects such as this and they will custom create shipping boxes and crates out of wood and other materials specifically for jobs such as this. Often times we do insulate the inner side of the container which protects against shock, heat, cold, wind, rain, and any ill-fated malady that may befall your exotic cargo.

sebring porsche 1968 race poster
Porsche Sebring 1968 Vintage race poster

vintage porsche race poster
Grote Prijs Van Netherlands Porsche Race

vintage porsche art paintingvintage porsche art

Vintage Porsche Art such as these are often one of a kind and need special shipping methods and storage specifically for art. We here at Las Vegas Crating and Logistics have a specialized team specifically for such cases that come to our warehouse.

Vintage Porsche Car Motor and Parts

Next comes the heavy stuff ! Specialized pallets and crates had to be built and constructed to ship these car parts and motors. We do full motorcycles to exotic racing car parts and engines. Our guys welcome the challenge and always look forward to working with all of these beautiful industrial pieces. Here are some photo's of various stages of the shipping process and the fun we had with these Porsche motor's and engine parts from the ground up. 
porsche engine for shipping
Securing the Horsepower

vintage porsche engine motor
One Clean and Fast Engine

porche motor vintage shipping
Building the right crate and dimensions

vintage porshe motor moving
Porche Motor Car Engine Crating and Shipping

Off to the final destination

Thanks for following us and some of our interesting jobs and finds. We love what we do and if you happen to have anything that needs custom boxing crating and freighting services call us and we are without hesitation ready to tackle whatever you can throw at us. We say we ship anything to anywhere for a reason !


Friday, June 15, 2018

Vintage and Antique Arcade Coin Op Shipping

We recently ran across so many amazing vintage and rare antique coin-op arcade games that needed to be packed up and shipped it made us travel down memory lane and remember all of those quarters we used to save up for the weekends at the local pizza parlor.

One of our recent clients needed these delicate electronics boxed, packed, crated, and transported. It was up to us to figure all of these logistics out.

It was amazing when the machine roared to life and lit up and just begged us to crush that perfectly crafted sphere around the bumpers and stoppers.

After all we had to make sure it was in proper working order right ?

Working with such unique cargo does require extra special attention and care to the packing and shipping process. We call this approach to shipping expensive items white glove service.

What is White Glove Service ?

It is an approach that requires expertly trained hands to ensure the security and safety of one of a kind, fragile, and irreplaceable belongings. It is a guarantee that we will treat your belongings better than our own, and everything will arrive at it's destination as intended. 

This Vintage Playboy Pinball Machine could not just be bubble wrapped and drove to it's new home. We had to disassemble it including delicate wires and electronics.

Next after it was into separate parts custom wooden crates and boxes had to be assembled.

Amazing that we got it down to this size, which made for a much easier move. No risk of it tipping over, breaking a leg, or worse, parts that we could never replace. They just do not make these things and only a few working machines exist to this day. The owner needless to say was extremely happy with his delivery, and it was one of the many antiques that cross our warehouse floors that we wish we could have kept. How great would this be in the break room for a conversation piece ? Sadly coin-op pinball machines are a thing of the past but bring back so many fond memories. 

The future is here and now in gaming.

And we just did an article on what is going on at E3 and electronic shipping

Thanks for reading about our adventures in the logistics of packing and shipping industry

Electronic Shipping and E3

Welcome fellow packing and shipping fans and experts ! We here at Las Vegas Crating and Logistics have been working with and packing up huge data centers and specialized electronics for so long that we wanted to take a break and relax in our warehouse and catch up on a little bit of E3 going on.

What is E3 and Electronic Data shipping ?

The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) is currently being hosted for the next three days in Los Angeles, showcasing all of the new and best in video game technology.
While most industry events are drab affairs filled with jetlagged businessmen in crumpled suits, E3 is growing in popularity and filling stands that make up the 720,000-square foot (67,000-meter squared) of exhibition space at the gigantic Los Angeles Convention Center.
Over 3,000 people arrive early to set up the show, which has taken place in California every year since 1995. Organizers recently started admitting members of the public who pay $250 (£187) for an entry ticket for a single day.

Some of the biggest announcements were from Bethesda who are bringing Fallout 76 later this year to their millions of customers. It is an on-line MMO based in the post apocalyptic nuclear wasteland known as Fallout. A new Elder Scrolls game was announced as well during their giant presentation, so much excitement from that dept. is up and coming and we cannot wait.
What does this have to do with us ? Well since we are in the packing and moving industry specializing electronic shipping and enjoy a good game of Fortnite like any good red-blooded living man and child, this was a good place to showcase some of our work. 
The show uses more internet bandwidth over three days than most US cities use in a year. If you were print out all the data moved across the internet during the show onto standard A4 paper, the resulting stack would be higher than the Empire State Building.
Also, each year there are around 35,000 video monitors, 10 miles of extension cords and cables and two tons of ethernet cables.

All of this has to be crated and moved, across town, across state lines, even internationally. 

 A data center is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. It generally included backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls (e.g. air conditioning, fire suppression) and various security devices. A large data center is an industrial-scale operation using as much electricity as a small town !

It is up to us to figure out how to secure all of this, and make it from point A to B. Often it is Point A to F with all letter's in-between at times, but we have fun with it and have had over twenty years of success and are still going strong, and trying to keep up with the latest in gaming and technology all the while.

Lithium Battery Storage and Shipping : A Guide

     Lithium Batteries are in everything nowadays. You can check out this article on lithium batteries to see exactly where they are instal...