In the most simple terms it is a specialized care and attention to detail when it comes to packing and shipping your goods and belongings. Usually reserved for high end price point irreplaceable items.
Las Vegas Crating White Glove is hands on every step of the way. You should expect no less than professional handling from the start to the final unpacking and set-up at the final destination with a trusted secure transportation and storage the entire way.
It is quite a challenge to meet the demand and expectations that offering this type of service comes along with, but with the right team anything can be delivered safely and securely.
So often many packing and shipping companies try to offer this service as an add-on or extra, but it has always been our policy to treat each and every item that comes across our warehouse floor properly. Your moving team should be informed about the sensitive nature of the items, as often they are one of a kind pieces of fine art or sculptures that are expected to arrive at a museum or gallery.
Larger insurance policies are in place, the items are personally driven, tracked, cataloged, and set-up on site.
Many of the antiques, vintage collectibles, and auction house winnings require custom built wooden crates that are shock resistant, extra absorbent, and insulated. These are built specifically for the job at hand to exact specifications and dimensions to ensure proper packing.
As you can see each and every possible break point is secured
These items are one of a kind and not going to be replaced, it is up to us to get a little creative at times because each and every piece is different.
Rare crystal items such as this skull must be transported without any damage or breakage.
Custom built lighting that needs to be detached , secured , and moved.
More vintage finds that are kept safe under our trusted warehouse ceiling while we work out the logistics for the new owners. We have been trusted for over twenty years and enjoy the unique showroom pieces that we run across. It's always been a game of spacial skills, and we always win.
We are in Las Vegas here you can bet on the house.