Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Franchising Your Packing and Shipping Store

Franchising Your Packaging and Shipping Store ( The Ultimate Guide ) In 2018

We recently teamed up with Jenny Childs over at FranchiseYOU! to come up with these top industry helpful tips on franchising your local or national business.

Franchising can be such an overwhelming undertaking. Thankfully there are professional franchise agents and brokers out there to help guide you along your path.

You do not have to be alone on this journey of manifest destiny and outward expansion. We here at Las Vegas Crating and Logistics recently published an article on how to franchise your business over at

Jenny Childs runs and operates FranchiseYOU! Which is a business that helps place potential franchisors into the right business model.

We found that our industry is ranked as one of the top 25 franchise categories that has the most growth. Packing, Mail, Shipping, Crating, and Freight Services make up over 11% of the total U.S. economy ! How is that for some numbers and facts. 

With such growth we knew a guide needed to be available to help people find their way through the trenches of consultants, brokers, agents, and legal paperwork that is often required to get the ball rolling. It is a daunting task that could be very discouraging, but finding the right agent to work with you will only help your business grow to multiple profit and revenue producing locations.

Our days are filled with working hand in hand with our professional crating experts who are busy building shipping and boxing materials for clients who require specialized transportation for their antiques and vintage items, thankfully trustworthy honest help is out there. Hopefully any readers click on the links and discover the steps to take when beginning a franchise.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info, as a local business owner myself this really helps with growth and franchising. The full article at
    brought so much valuable information tips and help


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